When Can I Book?
Guests who sailed in 2024 will automatically be assigned Earliest Booking Times, no sign up is necessary.
Guests who did not sail in 2024 will need to register for the presale. They will receive an assigned Earliest Booking Time via email. This group is assigned in the order they signed up. Note that there will be multiple groups of new guests - those who sign up before the initial deadline and then those who sign up after.
Once the presale ends, the general public will be able to book (if any staterooms remain).
Please Note: Being a part of the presale does not guarantee that staterooms will be left for purchase when it’s your time to book. If the ships fills up, we’ll offer the First Available Program.
An Earliest Booking Time (EBT) is assigned to everyone participating in the presale. At or after your EBT, go to bananalandatsea.com. Once you sign in, your time will be verified and you'll be able to begin the booking process. You can also book over the phone at 833-226-2293. Booking times are non-transferable. Only one stateroom can be booked per booking time.
Presale Timeline
2024 Bananaland at Sea Alumni:
EBT Email: 3/17/2025
Booking Dates: 3/24/25 to 3/27/25
First Round Presale Signups:
Signup Deadline: 3/25/25
EBT Email: 3/26/25
Booking Dates: 3/27/25 to 4/1/25
Final Presale Signups:
Signup Deadline: 3/31/25
EBT Email: 4/1/25
Booking Date: 4/2/25
Public Onsale: 4/2/25 at 2pm ET